CoreTweet  2.0.0-beta.2
Yet another .NET Twitter Library
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CCoreTweet.Streaming.AccessRevocationRepresents a revoked token
 CCoreTweet.Core.ApiProviderBaseProvides a Twitter API wrapper. This is an abstract class
 CCoreTweet.Streaming.ClientApplicationRepresents a client application
 CCoreTweet.Rest.CollectionsProvides a set of methods for the wrapper of GET/POST collections
 CCoreTweet.Core.CoreBaseRepresents a Twitter object. This is an abstract class
 CCoreTweet.CountPeriodCount period
 CCoreTweet.Rest.DirectMessagesProvides a set of methods for the wrapper of GET/POST direct_messages
 CIEnumerable< KeyValuePair< TKey, TValue >>
 CCoreTweet.Core.ITwitterResponseRepresents a response that has rate limit
 CCoreTweet.V2.LineDelimitedJsonStreamResponseStreamer< T >
 CCoreTweet.List< T >
 CCoreTweet.Rest.ListsProvides a set of methods for the wrapper of GET/POST lists
 CCoreTweet.Rest.MediaProvides a set of methods for the wrapper of POST media
 CCoreTweet.Rest.MediaMetadataProvides a set of methods for the wrapper of POST media/metadata
 CCoreTweet.OAuthProvides a set of static (Shared in Visual Basic) methods for OAuth authentication
 CCoreTweet.OAuth2Provides a set of static (Shared in Visual Basic) methods for OAuth 2 Authentication
 CCoreTweet.OAuth.OAuthSessionRepresents an OAuth session
 CCoreTweet.RequestProvides a set of static (Shared in Visual Basic) methods for sending a request to Twitter and some other web services
 CCoreTweet.Streaming.StreamingParametersRepresents the parameters for the Twitter Streaming API
 CCoreTweet.Core.TokensBaseRepresents an OAuth token. This is an abstract class
 CCoreTweet.UploadChunkedProgressInfoContains status information on the progress of Rest.Media.UploadChunkedAsync(System.IO.Stream, UploadMediaType, object, System.Threading.CancellationToken, System.IProgress<UploadChunkedProgressInfo>)
 CCoreTweet.UploadProgressInfoContains status information on the progress of a POST request
 CCoreTweet.Rest.WelcomeMessagesProvides a set of methods for the wrapper of GET/POST direct_messages/welcome_messages