Enumerator |
CouldNotAuthenticate | The request could not be completed as requested.
PageDoesNotExist | The specified resource was not found.
NotAuthorizedToUseThisEndpoint | Undocumented: The client is not authorized to use this endpoint.
ParameterIsMissing | Undocumented: The required parameter is missing.
YouCannotBlockYourself | Undocumented: The user can't block the user itself.
UserHasBeenSuspended | Undocumented: The user has been suspended.
AccountIsSuspended | The user is suspended (as well as its access token) and could not complete the request.
BackEndServiceIsUnavailable | Undocumented: The back end service is unavailable.
RestApiV1IsNoLongerActive | The request was a REST API v1 request (which is no longer available).
RateLimitExceeded | The request could not be completed because it reached the current rate limit window.
InvalidOrExpiredToken | The access token used in the request is incorrect or has been expired.
SslIsRequired | Only SSL connections are allowed in specified request.
NotAllowedToAccessOrDeleteDirectMessages | Undocumented: The client is not allowed to access or delete direct messages.
UnableToVerifyCredentials | Undocumented: Credentials in the request is invalid (thrown on application-only authentication).
CannotFindSpecifiedUser | Undocumented: Cannot find specified user.
OverCapacity | Twitter is temporarily over capacity.
InternalError | An unknown internal occurred while Twitter trying to serve the request.
CouldNotAuthenticate_TimestampIsInvalid | The oauth_timestamp of the request is either ahead or behind its acceptable range.
BlockedFromOperatingStatus | Undocumented: The authenticating user has been blocked from favoriting or retweeting this user's tweets.
AlreadyFavorited | Undocumented: The authenticating user has already favorited specified status.
CannotFavoriteTweetsOfProtectedUsersYouAreNotFollowing | Undocumented: The authenticating user cannot favorite the protected user s/he doesn't follow.
NoStatusFoundWithThatId | Undocumented: Cannot find specified status.
CannotSendDirectMessagesToUsersNotFollowingMe | Undocumented: The authenticating user cannot send a direct message to a user not following him/her.
CannotSendLongDirectMessages | Undocumented: The direct message is too long to send or blank.
YouCannotFollowYourself | Undocumented: The authenticating user cannot follow the user itself.
ThisAccountHasBeenSuspended | Undocumented: This account has been suspended.
AlreadyFollowRequested | Undocumented: The authenticating user has already requested to follow specified user.
UnableToFollowMorePeople | The follow request could not be completed due to some kind of limit.
BlockedFromFollowingUser | Undocumented: The authenticating user is blocked from following the user.
CouldNotFindStatus | Undocumented: The status is not found.
NotAuthorizedToSeeStatus | The requested Tweet cannot be viewed by the authenticating user.
CannotDeleteOtherUsersStatus | Undocumented: The authenticating user cannot delete another user's status.
OverStatusUpdateLimit | The authenticating user reached some kind of status update limit.
OverCharactersLimit | Undocumented: The status is too long to send.
StatusIsDuplicate | The status text has been Tweeted already by the authenticated user.
StatusContainsMalware | Undocumented: The status might contain the URL to a malware.
ErrorCreatingStatus | Undocumented: Cannot create status.
StatusCreationFailed | Undocumented: Cannot create status.
OverDailyPhotoLimit | Undocumented: The authenticating user reached some kind of photo update limit.
MediaIsTooLarge | Undocumented: One or more of the uploaded media is too large.
BadRequest | Undocumented: Bad request.
BadAuthenticationData | Authentication data of the request was invalid or missing.
CredentialsDoNotAllowAccessToThisResource | Undocumented: The client is not allowed to access this resource.
DetectedAutomatedAction | Twitter detected automated actions and could not complete the request to prevent malicious activities.
MustVerifyLogin | Authenticating user must verify login using Twitter's "login verification" feature.
EndpointHasRetired | The request to a retired URL cannot be completed.
CannotPerformWriteActions | The application is restricted from performing write-related actions.
CannotMuteMyself | The authenticated used cannot mute the user itself.
NotMutingSpecifiedUser | The unmute request could not be completed because the authenticating user is not muting the specified user.
AlreadyRetweetedThisTweet | Undocumented: The authenticating user has already retweeted specified status.