enum | MediaType { MediaType.AnimatedGif,
} |
enum | MediaFields {
MediaFields.None = 0x00000000,
MediaFields.DurationMs = 0x00000001,
MediaFields.Height = 0x00000002,
MediaFields.MediaKey = 0x00000004,
MediaFields.PreviewImageUrl = 0x00000008,
MediaFields.Type = 0x00000010,
MediaFields.Url = 0x00000020,
MediaFields.Width = 0x00000040,
MediaFields.PublicMetrics = 0x00000080,
MediaFields.NonPublicMetrics = 0x00000100,
MediaFields.OrganicMetrics = 0x00000200,
MediaFields.PromotedMetrics = 0x00000400,
MediaFields.All = 0x000007ff
} |
| List of media fields to return in the Tweet media object. The response will contain the selected fields only if a Tweet contains media attachments. More...
enum | PlaceType {
} |
enum | PlaceFields {
PlaceFields.None = 0x00000000,
PlaceFields.ContainedWithin = 0x00000001,
PlaceFields.Country = 0x00000002,
PlaceFields.CountryCode = 0x00000004,
PlaceFields.FullName = 0x00000008,
PlaceFields.Geo = 0x00000010,
PlaceFields.Id = 0x00000020,
PlaceFields.Name = 0x00000040,
PlaceFields.PlaceType = 0x00000080,
PlaceFields.All = 0x000000ff
} |
| List of location fields to return. The response will contain the selected fields only if location data is present in any of the response objects. More...
enum | PollVotingStatus { PollVotingStatus.Open,
} |
enum | PollFields {
PollFields.None = 0x00000000,
PollFields.DurationMinutes = 0x00000001,
PollFields.EndDatetime = 0x00000002,
PollFields.Id = 0x00000004,
PollFields.Options = 0x00000008,
PollFields.VotingStatus = 0x00000010,
PollFields.All = 0x0000001f
} |
| List of fields to return in the Tweet poll object. The response will contain the selected fields only if a Tweet contains a poll. More...
enum | TweetReferencedTweetType { TweetReferencedTweetType.Retweeted,
} |
enum | TweetFields {
TweetFields.None = 0x00000000,
TweetFields.Attachments = 0x00000001,
TweetFields.AuthorId = 0x00000002,
TweetFields.ContextAnnotations = 0x00000004,
TweetFields.ConversationId = 0x00000008,
TweetFields.CreatedAt = 0x00000010,
TweetFields.Entities = 0x00000020,
TweetFields.Geo = 0x00000040,
TweetFields.Id = 0x00000080,
TweetFields.InReplyToUserId = 0x00000100,
TweetFields.Lang = 0x00000200,
TweetFields.NonPublicMetrics = 0x00000400,
TweetFields.PublicMetrics = 0x00000800,
TweetFields.OrganicMetrics = 0x00001000,
TweetFields.PromotedMetrics = 0x00002000,
TweetFields.PossiblySensitive = 0x00004000,
TweetFields.ReferencedTweets = 0x00008000,
TweetFields.Source = 0x00010000,
TweetFields.Text = 0x00020000,
TweetFields.Withheld = 0x00040000,
TweetFields.All = 0x0007ffff
} |
| List of fields to return in the Tweet object. By default, the endpoint only returns TweetFields.Id and TweetFields.Text. More...
enum | TweetExpansions {
TweetExpansions.None = 0x00000000,
TweetExpansions.AttachmentsPollIds = 0x00000001,
TweetExpansions.AttachmentsMediaKeys = 0x00000002,
TweetExpansions.AuthorId = 0x00000004,
TweetExpansions.EntitiesMentionsUsername = 0x00000008,
TweetExpansions.GeoPlaceId = 0x00000010,
TweetExpansions.InReplyToUserId = 0x00000020,
TweetExpansions.ReferencedTweetsId = 0x00000040,
TweetExpansions.ReferencedTweetsIdAuthorId = 0x00000080,
TweetExpansions.All = 0x000000ff
} |
| List of fields to return in the Tweet poll object. The response will contain the selected fields only if a Tweet contains a poll. More...
enum | UserFields {
UserFields.None = 0x00000000,
UserFields.CreatedAt = 0x00000001,
UserFields.Description = 0x00000002,
UserFields.Entities = 0x00000004,
UserFields.Id = 0x00000008,
UserFields.Location = 0x00000010,
UserFields.Name = 0x00000020,
UserFields.PinnedTweetId = 0x00000040,
UserFields.ProfileImageUrl = 0x00000080,
UserFields.Protected = 0x00000100,
UserFields.PublicMetrics = 0x00000200,
UserFields.Url = 0x00000400,
UserFields.Username = 0x00000800,
UserFields.Verified = 0x00001000,
UserFields.Withheld = 0x00002000,
UserFields.All = 0x00003fff
} |
| List of additional fields to return in the User object. By default, the endpoint does not return any user field. More...
enum | UserExpansions { UserExpansions.None = 0x00000000,
UserExpansions.PinnedTweetId = 0x00000001,
UserExpansions.All = 0x00000001
} |
| List of fields to return in the Tweet poll object. The response will contain the selected fields only if a Tweet contains a poll. More...
enum | WithheldScope { WithheldScope.Tweet,
} |